8818 132nd Ave. NE, Redmond, WA 98052 (425) 822-0076 purchasing@nwnurseries.com Open Mon-Fri 8:00am to 4:00pm; Closed Saturday and Sunday

Hold Policy

Northwest Nurseries has an Informal Hold Policy for tagging plants and reserving them for later purchase. We allow our customers to tag and hold plants for up to one week.

If you want to hold plants, you can receive tagging material and instructions from the Sales Office. With your list of tagged plants, the Sales Office can create a Sales Order, which will facilitate our ability to protect your tagged material.

This process works most of the time. We do our best to protect and honor tagged plants, but it’s important to note that Northwest Nurseries does not guarantee that tagged plants will be available when you return to pick them up. If you require a guarantee, then you should purchase the plant and take it with you.

It is important to stress the informal nature of this policy. It is not a Lay-Away plan. We do not accept payment for plants that are tagged: they are not considered sold.

Lastly, Northwest Nurseries reserves the right to sell any inventory item at any time.

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